
Name: Ivy Lynn Goldsworthy

Age: 15

Grade: Sophmore

Birthday: Oct. 31

    Romantic -
Drew Torres
Peter Stone (hook-up)
K.C Guthries
Declan Coyne
Dave Turner (pity date)
Mark Fitzgerald "Fitz"
Wesley Betenkamp (favor-trade date)
Connor Deslauriers (pity date)
       Friendship -
Jenna Middleton (best friend)
Adam Torres (guy bestfriend)
Alli Bhandari
Holly J Sinclaire
Fiona Coyne
Clare Edwards
K.C Guthrie (best guy friend)
Bianca DeSousa (frenemies)
       Family -
Eli Goldsworthy (step-brother)
Nina Goldsworthy (step-mother)
Victor "Vic" Goldsworthy (step-father)
Valerie "Val" Maldao (mother)
Michael Santiago (father)
       Val & Michael are Ivy's real parents and Nina & Vic are Eli's real parents. Nina & Vic got divorced. In college Val & Michael were dating and val got pregnant with Ivy (they werent married). Michael took responsibilty after Val ditched Ivy. later on when Ivy was 3 & eli was 4 Michael & Nina got married but Michael was taken away by police because he legally isnt in-charge of Ivy.  Ivy was left behind with Eli & Nina who took her in, without adopting her legally. Then Vic & Nina re-married.

Personality: Rich, perky, conceited, spoiled, "blonde", fun, bubbly, sarcastic, rude, tough, bad-ass, slutty

Poison Ivy (by Eli)
Rich Girl (by Bianca)
Blondie (by Fitz)
Ive (by Jenna & Eli)
Tweet (by K.C)
Babez (by Fitz)